TheJettyJetShow 🔜 AX, EVO, ANYCさんのプロフィール画像

TheJettyJetShow 🔜 AX, EVO, ANYCさんのイラストまとめ

I’m Jet, like the airplane. Please check out my YT: TheJettyJetShow for tutorials, drawings & live shows!

フォロー数:296 フォロワー数:23303

from Had a lot of fun with this one. Last daily sketch before Gotta pick out a few for clean ups. Got about 10 solid days to produce! See you guys!

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from streamed the sketch process earlier on Youtube. If you don't know , it's a super sexy slap stick superhero anime. The 90s ver was my fav. prolly cuz I was a teen XP Ill be July 5-8 Exhibitors booth NOT ARTIST ALLEY!

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Rin Tohsaka Went a little overboard with todays "sketch" Clean up should be easy. Always loved her look, maybe, it's cause she's got that Asuka Tsundere vibe. I'll be at in AX July 5! See you there!

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comin in just a few weeks. I hope to see you guys out there. This drawing went smoothly until, THAT MOON! deciding on the graphic design was harder then the drawing itself.

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Always wanted to draw Saber. She has such a cool design. Had fun working on this, but difficult GAUNTLET! This is a rough, clean up soon! Prints and tutorials available on my GUMROAD . See you at AX 7/5/2018

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Just got back from 2018 it was a crazy fun hectic beautiful fun weekend. I really felt the love. Thank you so much to everyone who showed up. Now gotta get ready for on JULY 5th! No sleep! T_T

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Glad how this came out! I'll have some for you @ table 1116 Come say hi! ONE MORE DRAWING TO GO! FUK I NEED MORE TIME!

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from Kikki's Dilivery Serice. One of my all time favorite Ghibli films. Surprised a lot of people haven't seen it yet. GO WATCH IT PLEASE. 5 Days tills FANIME! see you there table

52 312

Clean up for with and Only a few more days till AHHHHH I'll see you there! Table1116 MAY25th in San JOSE tangent for duh win!

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from It’s 8:00 am zzz 7 more to go. So much time spent on that background. The print will be cropped much differently, and I think it’ll look better. Come by my table and say hi in may 25! Table 1116

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