TheJettyJetShow 🔜 AX, EVO, ANYCさんのプロフィール画像

TheJettyJetShow 🔜 AX, EVO, ANYCさんのイラストまとめ

I’m Jet, like the airplane. Please check out my YT: TheJettyJetShow for tutorials, drawings & live shows!

フォロー数:296 フォロワー数:23303

Dailysketch48 Couldn't get to a personal one again, so another Commission. Still WIP of "safe" version. She's simply topless in official version, nothing too edgy. It'll be on my devart soon. Going! in San Jose May/ LA in JULY / August2018

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46 commission work. This is Kate! More to come. Super fun. Her design is also SUPER cute. =) PM me or email for prices and booking! Lets go in San Jose May / LA in JULY / August Hope we can meet, share a laugh and a high 5!

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44 It's actually 45 but I labeled the last one wrong. from best girl! Cleaning up lines takes a toll. A lot of back and forth, colored the whole thing but didn't like it. Attending in San Jose May / in JULY / August

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Commission piece of an OC by Was fun! Such a cute OC If you are interested in Commissions just hit me up at my email or pm me! Also, heads up in San Jose May / in JULY / It’s goin down 2018!

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39 That left hand kicked my ass! Kept my girl up with loud voice chat till 5:22AM SORRY Saitei! I tell her, Ohh… 20 more minutes, = 3 hrs later 😪#Felicia from BTW#Fanime in San Jose May /  in JULY /  August

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38 ! HA! XD Guess who, probably not so easy right? It's in her battle outfit from The original colors is black and gold, no red. Are you going? in San Jose May / in JULY / August I AM!

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35 # Asada Shino aka from AKA I'm gonna say it! HERE I GO! Took too long, stayed up too late, NIGHT NIGHT! FYI ill be attending in San Jose May / in JULY / August yay!!

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34 I was asked when's the next Guy drawing gonna be by a friend. I said, TODAY! haha, for the Cake is a good way to sabotage a skating career hehe =) FYI ill be attending in SanJose May in JUL /#SACANIME Aug CMON!

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33 This raised my appreciation for the color purple. And why witches like to wear it. Night night EARLY ANNOUNCEMENT ill be attending fanime in San Jose May / AX in JULY / SACANIME August Lets Go!

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30 Guess who! from If you havn't seen it please watch it. Evangelion is my all time fav anime. Had another sketch but wasn't happy with it so I found a pretty cool ref to base this one on.

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