||NEFKYO|| 🍉さんのプロフィール画像

||NEFKYO|| 🍉さんのイラストまとめ

I'm in a lot of places at once. any pronouns are good, I study too many languages to care. My digital footprint is a cringe compilation.

フォロー数:390 フォロワー数:135

Woke up, got called into action, got to work. 's lovely (ayyy) designs are next!
The anatomy work is terrific, and the coloring is so soft... This Dream looks like one of those strikingly beautiful people you see once on the bus and you'll never get to talk to.

4 48

Closing tonight's additions to the thread with !
If so far I've talked about lighting, then we're talking about GLOWING here!
This Dream looks like he's just come out of a fantasy novel! Lovely!

7 95

I was actually requested to check out 's art just a minute ago, and BOY was it worth it! I'm a sucker for an original artstyle!
Their Dream design reminds me of a wheat field. Sharp edges and gold strands! Also, ✨shiny lighting✨

5 84

HOW HAVE I NOT MENTIONED UNTIL NOW?? This is so embarrassing.

I love her art so much! He never fails when it comes to lighting. And the way they shade Dream's cheeks?? HIS FRECKLES?? ARE YOU SEEING THIS??? HIS NOSE. Ennvee is so cool istg.

7 167

Up next is !
There's so much cool stuff in here, talking about their Dream's kickass design is not enough!
Look at this color palette! And the lights immediately set a domestic/adventurous mood to each drawing! (I know the last one is George, but you to see what I mean??)

14 279

AND WE'RE BACK! Continuing this lovely thread with !
This Dream design looks exactly like his laugh, his famous kettle wheeze. If you told me this was him, I'd believe it! THIS MAN WOULD eat ice. What a skrunkly guy. What a skrimblo.

4 179

It's almost 3 AM so I'm gonna continue the thread tomorrow

But I cannot leave you without mentioning !
THIS PASTEL PALETTE IS SUCH A FEAST FOR THE EYES! And their Dream looks so!!!! Cool!!!! I wanna talk to him!!!! Maybe give him a fist bump!! Idk what cool people do ok

10 426

How could I have been so careless to NOT mention 's amazing art?? Their artstyle is so soft and... Domestic, in a way? And their Dream looks exactly what he sounds like!

26 552

My sources also inform me of 's Dream, but also overall art?? Hello??? THE LIGHTING??? THE SHADING??? IF YOU COULD EAT THIS ART IT WOULD TASTE LIKE SUGAR CUBES???

8 311

is holding the entirety of Smiletwt on a silver platter with these designs. That Dream is real and absolutely alive and he breathes and shit.

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