

Louise / 24 / lesbian rat girl / Made and runs @ReviewsPokemon, @ReviewsJellycat and @AnimalsPixel / Icon: @EqPrev

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:13203

Pride on a string.

76 221

Spongebob Trans Rights Pants.

39 126

The dog says trans rights.

38 151

This is a trans pokemon appreciation post.

73 228

Grookey comes bearing an obvious fact.

48 107

Ngl Minecraft posters are beautiful to look at.

18 78

Here is a neat little fact. During borderlands 3 development, it seems like fl4k had a trans flag pin before it was replaced by the nonbinary one that they have in-game.

84 353

Sonic says LGBTQ+ rights.

39 138