

Louise / 24 / lesbian rat girl / Made and runs @ReviewsPokemon, @ReviewsJellycat and @AnimalsPixel / Icon: @EqPrev

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:13203

Say what you want about Tom Nook but at least he has dignity and wears clothes unlike Redd

230 2438

I need Nintendo to explain how these two things can co-exist at the same time

1712 13407

I love how K.K. Slider T-poses with his guitar

281 1957

Nintendo owl appreciation

1189 7639

Times are tough so here is a Minecraft snail

104 446

This is how people dress for business calls

122 630

Shout out to Wario and Waluigi for showing their support for the Nonbinary community

116 493

A reminder that there is an Animal Crossing movie and it's adorable

4560 26248