(oil paint) unofficialさんのプロフィール画像

(oil paint) unofficialさんのイラストまとめ

Union of likeminded Artists and cultural creators - stephen-nolan.com

フォロー数:7559 フォロワー数:15334

Distance (not quite there yet) continued
oil on canvas 2022


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Landscape Composition (Poulshone) continued
mixed media 2020-22

‘Never say Never’ the landscape as Muse… Muse as Landscape - it’s all very Amusing (if you’re into that type of thing)


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Estuary Series (Wexford Harbour) now with more flow…

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Sometimes the Greatest Gift…
oil, acrylic and canvas 2022

that’s the funny thing about abstractions - it’s not clear whether they are more or less real than the things they are abstracted from
’young animals’


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Nuclear Power Station (Dunkirk)
oil on canvas on panel 2022

Absurdity is a result of the collision between the human desire for meaning and the absolute silence of the world


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Communications Tower atop of Forth Mountain (continued)
mixed media ca.2017-22


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‘We must love each other or Die’

Dark Skies (continued)
oil on panel 2021/22


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