

I could be a niche internet micro-celebrity if I wanted.

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40 RANKINGS: - Natalie Anderson

We saw each and every step of Natalie avenging her sister and her ally & its the best damn endgame Survivors EVER seen. A fierce and clever winner, who got how to do BIG MOVES right: TIMING!

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40 RANKINGS: - Ethan Zohn

Ethan is one of my main influences in life. Him winning Africa was so impactful for me and my <3 for the show, and for my life. There has never been anyone nicer, and I love Ethan with all my heart.

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40 RANKINGS: - Sandra Diaz-Twine

I will always enjoy getting new Sandra quotes in my life, everything she says and does is instantly memorable, and I always crack a smile when she's on. Has no chance, but I'll love her anyways

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40 RANKINGS: - Denise Stapley

TOP 5 BABY! Kickin off the homestretch is my MOM Denise, yeah she does remind me a bit of my actual mum, that's why I rooted for her HARD! Also, she's an AMAZING underdog.

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40 RANKINGS: - Jeremy Collins

One of the scariest players out there, if I was in S40. Calm, cool, calculated all the way, very friendly too, and a poker face like no other. Wouldn't be surprised if he won.

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40 RANKINGS: - Parvati Shallow

Watching Parvati shallow embrace her villainess side step by step has been wonderful, who else can single-handedly ruin the strategy of young women in Survivor? Ugh, her impact!

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With Tyson, you never know what you're going to get. One would never think the class clown would win, but he did, and it looks like he has more tricks up his sleeve for WaW. They better watch out!

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40 RANKINGS: - Kim Spradlin

We may not know a lot about her personality, but the fact that she's seen as this perfect Survivor robot who has no mercy is interesting as is! And if she kicks ass again and wins WaW? LEGENDARY.

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40 RANKINGS: - Nick Wilson

We're almost in the top ten! I get why some think Nick's unpopular, but, in the recent trend of winners, I'm happy we got someone as complex and charming as , hes a real danger for WaW!

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40 RANKINGS: - Sophie Clarke

Sometimes I said I couldn't really get into some characters and I didn't know why, well here, I really really like Sophie, and I really couldn't pinpoint why, I like her snarkiness?

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