The Pink Smokeさんのプロフィール画像

The Pink Smokeさんのイラストまとめ

A website focused on cinema & literature.
Our writing brought tears to Stuart Gordon & George Armitage.
Philip Kaufman declared us honorary Wanderers.

フォロー数:4396 フォロワー数:14354

This week we're going to be recommending some of our favorite articles from our archives - like this one from on a VHS oddity that answers the question:

"What Power Should a Man Possess to Challenge the Prince of Darkness?"

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Some nighttime reading
Join on a journey through LA PLANèTE DES SiNGES, the French sci-fi novel that would be adapted into the classic THE PLANET OF THE APES!

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And in the jousting tournament of LANCELOT… we are being “directed” as rigorously as in any Hitchcock showpiece: there are few other action sequences in all cinema that create as much anticipation and excitement.

~ Jonathan Rosenbaum

Psycho (1960.)
Lancelot du Lac (1974.)

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"It's funny, I wonder why we like being praised. There's no money in it. Fame? How famous could we get? He became famous: now he's known to three. Maybe four if you count Bayliss. Aren't humans absurd? I suppose we like praise for its own sake."


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Never forget that Borden Chase - boxer, sailor, mob chauffeur & our favorite writer of Westerns (Red River, Vera Cruz, Bend of the River) - has a cocktail named after him:

2 oz. Scotch
½ oz. sweet vermouth
¼ oz. Pernod
dash of orange bitters

Stir. Strain. No garnish.

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"Ballad in C" / written & performed by Karen Black
From BORN TO WIN (Ivan Passer, 1971)

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is joined by to discuss the soundtrack work of Tangerine Dream, the electronic music outfit best known for their scores for films like Risky Business, Sorcerer, Legend & Near Dark!

(h/t to !)

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Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (dir. Georges Miller & Ogilvie, 1985.)
Evil Dead II (dir. Sam Raimi, 1987.)

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Is it really Halloween time if you haven't watched MEATLOAF JACK?

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"Soon it was trees & dark, my brothers, with real country dark..."

A Clockwork Orange (dir. Stanley Kubrick, 1971.)
Touchez pas au grisbi (dir. Jacques Becker, 1954.)

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