

Streamer and maker of funny videos


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We're live with more and ready to take on another boss with our 10,000 Gigavolts of pure carnival energy! Check it out at!!

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And we're live with This time however... WE AIN'T STOPPING TILL WE BEAT ALL PANTHEONS (or until I pass out). Come pass out with me at!

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We're live with more Now that the main game is complete, it is time to TAKE ON THE VERY GODS THEMSELVES in the Godmaster DLC! Come rage against the heavens at!!!

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We're back with more After a bit of a warmup in the colosseum, We'll be ready to take on the path of PAIN (and subsequent gain). Come check it out at!

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We're live with more Having escaped that horrifying spider dimension, I'm ready to never return and wash it from my memory! Come stay away from arachnids at!

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We're live with more With my sense of direction out of wack, it's time to once again wander until we stumble into victory! Come learn about bugs at!

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We're live with Now that we've gotten the hang of the game, it's time to lay waste to our surroundings for (and possibly also against) all bugkind! Come engage in insectoid-based combat at!

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Thank you so much to everyone who joined the stream today! Had a lot of fun and I'm ready to put triple effort into the next year of streaming!
As promised, here are the spliced posters we made today:

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We're live with more Once more with explore the ferocious fauna of the reach, before saying "nuts to this" and heading to the next region! Come join the crew at!!!

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We are live with Once more we shall try to answer mankind's greatest question: How fast can you beat DD2 in the new update? Find out at!

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