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フォロー数:244 フォロワー数:1831

I love this dumb baritone bird so, so much.

4 44

The little greeter had read the news of Chesnaught's operation, but had no idea she'd actually get to take part in it.

35 212

A group of Carbink are hopeful about something they read in the news. Maybe it's time they returned to the mentioned place as well.

11 44

Thanks to his beautiful baritone voice and legato-style approach to jazz, Hawlucha's performances are always in high demand. In fact, they're so in demand that he's attracted the attention of a particular patron...

12 56

Aurorus discovers that the thread she was unraveling was just part of the fabric of spacetime.

28 174

She can't help but obsessively unravel this seemingly endless thread on her sweater... She wonders what will happen if she doesn't stop?

12 68

Local idiot visits the famous tar pits.

8 59

She graciously offers you a delicious panini! Do you accept? (Life or death decision)

17 85

She can (and always will) repurpose her electricity for making paninis.

12 73

Clawitzer is stronger than he thought.

8 47