

art @sl1eepyheadart 27 years old • She/Her • pansexual 🩷💛🩵 Japanese/American • venting shitposting & wips

フォロー数:1040 フォロワー数:119

It's just Ashley from the wario games...

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It's pretty weird seeing a moe version of me but it's kinda accurate considering I was way more depressed 5 years ago. Hair is inaccurate on current me but it was the closest I could get.

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This was really self indulgent but I used paint tool sai for the first time in a while.

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When you accidentally drop something on the floor and you're trying really hard to grab it while it rolls away

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Now we got the bohemian anime dreamboat, Howl. His blue eyes and cute face always warms my heart. But I dont want to go deep into my feelings for this man since Iove seeing him with Sophie. I'm jealous.

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