

*anime/manga + vtubers (🌿💀🐾🐿️👧)
*tired student
*nsfw rts/posts‼️ (sometimes)
*aspiring artist, writer, musician

フォロー数:2006 フォロワー数:486

Happy Birthday Fauna💚💚💚 You are my oshi of oshis and I love you and your content so much. You have helped people (me included) more than you realize. Thank you for existing

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Wow That Unironically Looks Very Nice (im not being sarcastic i genuinely mean it) Too Bad I Am Broke And Now Sad That I Cant Get Them

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ok i know i just posted this same image a minute ago but this is the only way i know how to encapsulate my thoughts around this t a s t e f u l artwork

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got to thefamily guy episode where quagmire does this. life complete.

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Week 7: Dragon Ball (Tournament Arc: eps 14-28 (15 eps long))


I like the new characters they introduce and I love tournament arcs
Overall it’s alright, just a little worse than the first
Can’t wait for fusions and crazy shit later on
I’d give Dragon Ball’s 2nd arc a 81%

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Week 5: Kill La Kill

Let's get to the point
Likes: The animation, comedy, music, and seiyuus
BIG Dislikes: The plot and most of the characters
I do not like this anime, the bad outweighs the good
I would give Kill La Kill a 65%
My favorites are Mako, Mako, and Mako

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Week 4: Puella Magi Madoka Magica (12 eps)

The 1st half of this anime is HORRIBLE, but then it gets pretty good in the 2nd half
The ending was good but the characters suck (except ❤️Homura❤️)
I would give Madoka Magica a 72%
My favorite is Homura and it's not even close

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