

- Orlene/Orson/Roger
- he/him she/her
- 20, t4t & hypersexual
- transmasc demigirl thing
- priv: @goofygender nsfw: ask

フォロー数:1080 フォロワー数:818

If nobody got me I know roger rabbit got me can I get an amen

0 11

This video does more for me than my therapist and my family combined

0 6

hi my name is Orson or Roger im a 16 year old gay trans man and i literally only tweet about cartoons and being gay heres my art

12 49

omg my new ducktales edits!!!❤️

6 22

Have you seen them...? Now you have❤

1 9

deletes my last post cause i forgot shit😀

7 19