

Puddle Paintings… , Fuzz IE Collection…

フォロー数:1992 フォロワー数:3796 With only cups no brushes or touching pouring out numerous puddles of paint until the whole surface is covered in one smooth layer of paint. Find prints and originals threw my website. Comments and share if this is something that might connect with someone

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GM ✨✨✨✨✨✨🤘

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Sky’s Singing no brushes or touching puddle paintings are made by laying the canvas flat and pouring numerous puddles of paint on the canvas until the whole surface is covered in one thick layer of paint that dries smooth as glass. ✨✨✨✨🥕🐇

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Puddle paintings no brushes or touching

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Living in the light 1/1 no brushes or touching puddle paintings are made by laying the canvas flat and pouring numerous puddles of paint on the surface until the whole thing is covered in one thick layer of paint.

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Living in the Light no brushes or touching made by laying the canvas flat and pouring numerous puddles of paint on until the whole surface is covered by one thick layer of paint that dries smooth as glass. ✨✨✨🥕🐇

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