

25⬆️ || ID/EN 🆗 || She/her ♀️ || 🍀3D background artist but likes to draw 📝 || Mostly Vtubers/OCs
|| ⚠️Do not reupload without credit!

フォロー数:201 フォロワー数:187

You can use this in your resume

5 20

I've been binge watching Enna's adventure figuring out pokemon-- It's been a blast!🤩

7 158

without the lyrics lol

1 12

Drew the EU trip back then when they tried japanese and indonesian's snacks!

103 680

This is a preview for 's story book! Will be trading postcards as well(limited)~

18 75

shaarkopter shaarkopter

69 824

very excited with shark-kun

74 1004