

Traditional futurist • Posting inspiring work • Designing brand and product since 1999

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:18666 — Mat Voyce () is your friendly neighbourhood type designer & animator... and he's so good. Everything he does is filled with good fun and good vibes.

6 67 — Tina Tuli is a master of type as illustration and she's done so much work too. Hard working mater.

16 182 — Benedikt Luft () has an amazing exploding style of illustration that destroys minimalism in the best way possible. So lavish and energetic. Love it.

12 261 — What if we stopped being a boring bourgeois ass tight worriers and began to do wild cyber stuff with zero cares? Well, Saveheaven () does exactly that. This is radical.

6 66 — Cruz Novillo is a legendary Spanish studio that in my book is at the level of Paul Rand. Am I going too far? Not one bit, you'll know what I am talking about if you're Spanish.

7 52 — Yuta Kawaguchi is super good at rave graphics and 90s nostalgia. I find this trend hilarious but it comes with age. It will happen to you too. However, I can recognise how good he is. Good good.

4 60 — Tony Stella is the absolute god of movie posters. Imagine going to the cinema again without the internet in the 70s. That's how his work feels.

0 3 — This is a funny type foundry. They do typefaces inspired by plants. They're fun.

8 111 — Non-Format () are great at doing bad-on-purpose design. I love it but I hate having to explain it to bad designers.

7 55 — Toru Fukuda is an illustrator doing UPA 50's illustration but cutter. It's my favourite style. So much fun.

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