

Traditional futurist • Posting inspiring work • Designing since 1999

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:15027 — Look, design for kids is something cool designers look down on to but it is damn hard to do and it requires actual talent. These guys have it (). — Also, their curse on studio business is great

0 6 — I love Stephen Cheetham illustrations so much. Vectors that work for everyone.

0 1 — Sam Hofman is a fantastic photographer and a master of liquids and flowers. Things I like.

0 6 — Fantastic archive of dutch graphic designers with super stars like Ben Bos and Wim Crouwel at the helm. This is amazing. By the way, pay attention at how well graphic designers used to look. We need to bring suits back.

0 3 — The restaurant and food design specialisation is never "cool" the way music is but it is always so good. Mucca () are fantastic at this. I'd love to work in that industry too. In another life.

1 3 — Amber Vittoria mixes the super colourful 21st century thing with a hand pen thing that feel perfectly sixties. I love it.

0 1 — NFTs are going to kill graphic-design as an art and that makes me sad. Probably this style is going to be the first to go but still, I am a fan. Safehaven has a lot of things going on on-screen.

0 2 — In illustration if you find something you can own, you just grab it and make it yours. If it works it works. That's what Joe did.

0 1 — Studio io () is a small Australian studio stretching typefaces here and there and mixing it all with nice colours and... great design!

1 3 — Igor Bastidas is a super star illustrator with a lot rounded work for big papers. The animated work is even better.

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