

時政漫畫家《 鳩鵪漫畫 》。 Professional Editorial Cartoonist.

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》240, 09-11-2012 新版阿飞正传。反叛要求彻底反腐败。制度能变吗?Rebel without cause. Piss off Commies!

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》237, 07-11-2012
Oh my God! I won!

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》235, 05-11-2012

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To sue or not to sue, that is the question.

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》230, 31-10-2012
Night of the Halloween:
There is a walking dead among the Zombies.

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》228, 30-10-2012 剪不断理还乱

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》223, 25-10-2012
Bo Xilai red song finale. 红唱红,黑打黑。

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《 鳩鵪漫畫 》220, 23-10-2012
Nobel laureate Mo Yan literary critique: surreal cruel realism.

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