

✨Freelance Portraitist/Digital Artist ✨+ Movie Marketing
|| he/him || ART Contact: [email protected] or dm

フォロー数:2001 フォロワー数:2326

Corpsemojis ‼️🖤 hella late but better late than never. Made the masks diff colors bc it’ll be easier to distinguish each emoji in a chat or something. Bingus and Bungus give me life. stream agoraphobic u lil freaks of nature 🖤

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as Sabrina from Pokémon. Only real gaming gamers can use this hot code GENGAR on their next purchase of G FUEL. imagine ur Pokémon getting beat the f**k up while Weezer’s version of “No Scrubs” plays in the background

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Best Magical Girls 💘 Imagine doing a magical girl transformation to “Wonderwall” by Oasis. I tried my best with the anime style, but it’s not my forte lololol

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I usually don’t bust out this style, but here I go. Made some comparisons to my usual stuff. I highly doubt he’s gonna see this cause I’m so late but letsss gooooooo

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Sorry if I don’t respond to all the comment. I don’t handle compliments well so I kinda go uwu mode and hide under a blanket for a good hour lololololol

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I’m so sorry Jiggles

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Hi! I’m a portraitist! I mainly post on Insta:@/tibby_tibs, but I’m trying to branch out more on Twitter! Congrats on the 10k MJ!

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Happy Birthday Queen 👑

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