

Comic Artist and professional worrier

SPACE DOGS: PART 1 kickstarter in the link below :v…

フォロー数:693 フォロワー数:758

Meet the artist 2020!!
Yes this is the first time I've ever drawn Barnes the cat, no I'm not proud of it.

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2018 for comparison oh boi

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2019 was an aesthetic mess but also full of lotsa learning!
I've drawn like barely ANY oc art tho so I have to fix that next year

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I watched the spongebob musical- anyway here's squidward.

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(I've got bored with drawing now oh no)
He went through several years of training to become a captain for "space exploration" but after failing and retaking the course multiple times he decided it was better to just //steal// a ship and explore on his own.

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He has more than one robot of course but he keeps the rest on mute. There may not be any rules against this but it is generally considered a BAD thing to do

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He's very anti social and believes 'friends' are a bad thing. Despite this he has one robot who ~deep down~ he does consider a 'friend'.

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He was born with unevenly sized eyes but it doesn't affect his vision. According to doctors NEITHER of his eyes are the size they're SUPPOSED to be.

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He comes from the same planet as Jacker-Jack which explains the similarity in their fur colour. Naturally it helps with camouflage on their dry, sandy planet

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Compared to others of his species he's quit chunky. This is down to his super strong muscles (and a little bit of tub of course)

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