

Comic Artist and professional worrier

SPACE DOGS: PART 1 kickstarter in the link below :v…

フォロー数:693 フォロワー数:758

February's animation attempt 🎉🎉
I tried adding sound and it didn't go particulary well but I think you get the idea!!

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I got gorls that is all 💛

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Tracksuits, for modesty.
My marvelsona design for the banter.

3 9

Hello I'm Meg! I don't have a great portfolio atm so here's just some random drawings

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Hellooo I'm an Aro/Ace student and I study comic arts 👌👌 (I haven't got the best portfolio atm but I'll be working on a new comic soon yeee)

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A gud gorl 👌👌 she keeps all the little aliens (that I have yet to design) safe!

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How smol is her leggies? Very smol.

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Gave him some knuckledusters 👌👌

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Space!! Gotta make it look ok for kids so I think it works??

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I can't draw chairs. So... I... I just didn't.

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