

↑20 ✮ they/them ✮ Like drawing women

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:60

Rank He [5] 💖

2 7

Filled in the picture Nishi posted today for teacher debut <3

0 4

Really liked that theory about Clara's wings being more angelic than demonic and that why we haven't seen her wings yet

8 25

"the reason,
I adore the warm flames"

35 138

I just think they're cute 👉👈

3 14

First time drawing her 🙈

48 159

I drew a wivry every year, i nearly forgot to do it this year, im a fake stan 💔
|edens zero|

19 60

(it was for an old friend bday but it was from ft100yq so)

0 5


2 3