

#Designer, #Illustrator, #Animator, #VoiceActor, #Writer, #Musician, #Gamer • Husband & Father

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Wall-E illustration from my Let’s Draw live stream! Check it out, Wednesday’s on https://t.co/PzjKoWzJWv

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Justin Jones here! A designer / illustrator that is very interested in becoming a visual storyteller through children’s book illustration! Still working on my official portfolio site but all my work is here: https://t.co/m4Fnw4udMS

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Good ol’ Red, strolling through the forest...

Had a lot of fun drawing this one! Think I’m going to visit some other classics as well!

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Had to take a quick break from to jump in on ’s challenge. Supporting all the women I know who have fought or are fighting breast cancer. You are stronger than the best of us and you are amazing. Keep fighting.

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Here is another spooky doodle to add some color to your feed during October. I call this one “Insta-Witch”.

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RIP Mr. Mayhew. Thank you for helping define a good chunk of my childhood.

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was a ton of fun! Can’t wait for next season. Here is a little doodle of the witch herself!

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Now that the trailer is out, how is everyone feeling about Joaquin Phoenix taking on the Clown Prince of Crime?? Created this using .

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