

imagine not loving women?

フォロー数:371 フォロワー数:1640

so just gave us another timeline where another version of rose tyler is going around saving planets?!? give us all the comics and adventures of this rose tyler please (also .. bring back billie piper and give us the audio adventures of this too)

4 13

read the new doctor who comic and can i just say .. thank you for giving us another reality where the tenth doctor and rose tyler meet and for showing us how soft and desperate he is for her (like we all are)

1 10

on this just wanted to give a shout-out to and for making rose tyler even more badass than i ever thought possible and once again proving that no matter what dimension she’s in, she’ll always be the one 💕

4 15

head empty, no thoughts ... just rose tyler being a badass

(can we get like billie piper in an action movie if this could be a picture we could get? 🙏🏽)

1 9