

Pebs/24/(she/her)/Storyboard and character artist/Profile pic by @tharkflark12

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:21722

I’m sorry the recent pokeani ep did a charmander/chimchar/Tepig (or any other Pokemon we see abandoned by their trainers) with Gengar which made me feel certain emotions so just take the gremlin cutie patootie ghost

5 23

Tom did end up falling asleep on that couch with sonic

40 192

Rewatch the film with a friend the other day so like the found family I get from this film was rejuvenated

160 557

Give me a pound for very time I forget to put something here

72 481

When I tell yall I like a ship I freaking mean it

20 123

I genuinely believe my digital art is decent so I’ve been waiting for the day I could draw literally the only ship that I enjoy to a obsessive degree

11 58

Low-key is the most spinel is super fun to draw

5 29

Hmm lemme just dump a assload of drawing real quick

2 17

I’ve just realised I’ve gone past 200 followers finally so thank yall!

0 18