

Correct opinion haver. Renaissance truther. Sometimes I tweet about work: old art, old books, material culture of science and medicine (old). She/her

フォロー数:1524 フォロワー数:4782

fuck this is how it should look

0 3

unbothered, moisturized, in her lane, well-hydrated, flourishing

37 212

Hans Sebald Beham was nothing if not incredibly fucking metal

3 39

Become an art historian they said
Develop an interest in pre modern art they said
You're unlikely to have to spend time thinking about Albrecht Dürer's conception of human-fish genital physiology they said

61 422

Me planning a nice productive day:

2 33

I can feel the coarse hair under my palm and hear the bull snuffle.
what the fuck Al, get a grip

17 686

look at this bloodletting man's weird intenstine that looks like it's been wound up in an orderly manner

0 19

there is a lot going on here but it really looks like the skeleton in the middle needs a wee, right?

7 114

some impressive side eye from all the animals

0 36