

@BTS_twt #JIN 🐹 fan account / born and raised and living in Seoul, SK

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🐹: I was gonna do 'dance'
🐥: least i want to do is 'mantis'
🐱: wow this hyung rlly did it i'm so sorry
🐰: mantis Jin!
🐹: I did it bc you guys would be frustrated
🐿️: Lastly lets see mantis dance again!
🐹: WHY

2735 5193

AAA I loved this day the best camerawork + Ending fairy seokjinnie 🤗

1226 4236

Taehyung practiced all day for the ment but he couldn't find the right time to say it while Seokjin was so eager to hear him say it so he kept hinting Tae during interview. In the end he asked Tae to say it on the btbomb camera (˘̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)

15482 35900

lmaoo they really did slam dunk highfive

1267 2969

How Hoseok and Seokjin became really determined to become who they are now 🐿️🐹

20176 43150