

27 | they | 🕺🎷🕺💍

フォロー数:54 フォロワー数:21

8. Herma
Theme: Memory, Zinnia, Information. Theme song is "Donut Hole". A info broker with a very poor memory who relies on technology to help her remember what's important to her.

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7. Astraeus
Theme: Feverous Love, Attention, Adventure. My annoying archer from Legend of Edda who I renamed bc I'm not having 3 OCs named Ster. Blood knight who probably gets off to ppl kicking his ass

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6. Wing/Sina
Theme: Discovery, Innocent Love, Birds. Wing gets easily distracted by things and has a tendancy to wander off, much to her party's annoyance. Sina's a butterfly-based OC that's gay for Wing buuuuut Wing's not exactly the most observant person.

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5. Addy/Fiida
Theme: Friendly rivalry, Support, surpassing limits. Fiida tried to steal stuff from Addy's forest and Addy stabbed her as a warning. She hasn't been able to get rid of Fiida since.

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4. Edda
Theme: Clear goals, Circles, (a craving for) Love. His theme song is "Lion" from MacrossF. He's got a twin brother that's a little shit so I don't talk about him.

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3. Amber
Theme: Passionate love, Embers/Fire. Basically if I gave Amara fire and changed her aspect of "perseverance" to "survival at all costs"

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2. Amara
Theme: Preserverance, Hope (of a waning kind), Steady love. My first OC who I had to change the name of bc her original name was Mashin fml

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1. Ster
Theme: Hope, Innocent love, Stars. I always seem to have the Theme of Love from FFXII: Revenant Wings in my head when I think of her

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L'attrapeur des étoiles

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still trying to get used to drawing lumine

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