

Fanart | Illustration

フォロー数:175 フォロワー数:91

A bit of Darkling Alina as a treat. Black and gold just looks too good.

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Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes.

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"This is your destiny - they said, as I walked towards my doom." She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.

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The Stag God's antlers overflow with the plants, flowers, mushrooms, and beehives that call his forest home. He is crowned by a golden laurel wreath and guards them well. He implores us to look after his home too.

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Close ups! Loved drawing Ali in the iconic red hood. And of course, I had to draw Spencer with a bloody shovel. Get those girls within 50 miles of incriminating evidence and they will 100% get their fingerprints on it.

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