

sono la gallina Omega della fotografia italiana.
qui solo cose belle, scelte a sentimento.
e qualche foto mia, talvolta.

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フォロー数:817 フォロワー数:1917
# botd

„I have always striven to fix beauty in wood, stone, glass or pottery, in oil or watercolor by using whatever seemed fittest for the expression of beauty, that has been my creed.“
Louis Comfort Tiffany in 1848

7 51

Ernst Haeckel in 1834

9 43

Edvard Munch in 1863

10 30

„A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy. When you always make your meaning perfectly plain you end up boring people.“
Edgar Degas in 1834

3 13

„Io sono un mistico, io non vado in chiesa o in sinagoga. Per me lavorare è pregare.“
Marc Chagall in 1887

2 9

Albrecht Dürer in 1471

10 46

Bedroom window,
Wynn Bullock in 1902

2 10