

Fun and educational gift items! Wildlife, anatomy, paleontology, geology, microbiology, etc. Etsy store: etsy.com/shop/tcustom #sciart

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In honor of my new ear pin, I spent some time improving the packaging I use with my ear items. Downloadable in full-page format here: https://t.co/3w5WQsk8A0

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When society is evolving into a profit optimization algorithm in which the first line is: "10 print 'our mission is the betterment of mankind'"... I feel glad to have worked for months on product that I've sold only a few of! https://t.co/qwMXFT06oM

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Our 3d printable T4 model is now available for download! https://t.co/aXi8t3TajL . I added a bayonet-style fitting (used in cameras, borescopes, etc.) to hold the parts together.

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The next 3d-printable instructional model I plan to upload to our site
(https://t.co/ln655V8YAj) will be this t4 . parts modeled separately so that the tail sheath can be fabricated in a flexible resin allowing for functional contractile tail.

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Here are two diagrams made to accompany our 3d-printable classroom model! These, and others can be downloaded here: https://t.co/GSa4OrKTO6 More soon!

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Here's a revised version of the downloadable, 3d-printable adenovirus classroom model. some parts are not modeled perfectly, but hopefully over time I can develop a small collection of really good free models. Suggestions welcomed! https://t.co/21xFh8rQsR

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Long ago I made an CAD model for a product that turned out to be a boondoggle. now have turned it into a downloadable classroom model for 3d printing. https://t.co/j8oQkpRuVu Future versions will open to show DNA within. Suggestions for improvements welcome!

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For those with 3d printers, have made our freely downloadable CAD models available on of particular note is this Suction-cup mounted desktop Please share! https://t.co/ln655V8YAj

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Here's an old project not yet realized for technical reasons. The plan is to cast pewter cabinet handles with pre-drilled mounting points for jungle/woodland critters, and to offer CAD files of these critters in a variety of poses for download (for those with 3d-printers).

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For those with 3d printers, there is now a bacterial anatomy model available to use along with our phage thumb-drive: https://t.co/phCygRlBsi

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