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フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:10

"Fireworks are for now, but friends are forever." - Yoimiya

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"I'm No. 11 of the Fatui Harbingers, codename Childe, but I also go by Tartaglia. And you... Hmm, you too like to cause quite the stir, don't you? Something tells me we're going to get along splendidly." -Childe

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"Sayu, Shuumatsuban, at your disposal! Whew, but if you don't need me right now, I'm gonna grab some sleep. Nope, no need to tuck me in — I need the extra room to grow into" - Sayu

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"I'm hungry. Let's hunt." - Razor
Happy Birthday, Razor!

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"Blessings from the Anemo Archon Barsibato? Wait... no, it's Bartobas...?" - Rosaria

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'"Heart be pure, evil be erased. Mind be purged, world be..." Um... Ugh, I always forget that last part.'
Happy birthday, Chongyun!!

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"Just let me know if you ever find yourself in a pinch. I can help you out."

Kuki's birthday! Survey available in my bio, please complete it if you have some spare time!

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