

i am fish | she/they | 30+ | 💛🤍💜🖤🤍💜 | i don't know how to use twitter | icon by @ragewane

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:299

the usps crop top got posted in the ffxiv discord so, of course (w thanks and apologies both to )

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bonus zefir outfit bc i didn't think the last one showed off enough thigh

you may notice i've started putting him in a lot more jewelry! this is bc he's had years to accumulate presents from his boyfriends

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timeskip man

he grew out his hair and learned ethereal in order to best ador- i mean *embarrass* daguun by saying incredibly sappy things

also i've decided to start drawing him as EVEN MORE of a twink

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finally trying to do something w aya so here’s a picture i don’t think i ever posted? anyhow he’s a half elf now

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mourning having to put zefir in pants when i remembered slants exist

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i’m sure it’s fine

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okay last one i swear

zefir, 50% vulcan, 50% betazoid, 100% able to tell when a dude is into him

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buncie and nehn are gonna go spy on anzu’a’s fancy date so they gotta blend in. fun casual things to do w your friends!! 🥰

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feliu aetherglow, who i have never draw to my satisfaction. a homoromantic demisexual transman who voluntarily exiled himself rather than submit to his family, he was just barely rescued by the nightfallen before he withered. intensely caring & generous beneath a stoic exterior.

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my dearly missed andromendae nightwhisper. 😔 nonbinary biromantic demi - you get the picture. a sweet, elegant fortune teller with a deep connection to elune that he briefly lost in a fit of self-doubt following the sundering, andromendae is dedicated to helping his people.

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