

🇪🇸 Marina ✦ Designer & illustrator ✦ Japanese-inspired photography and art ✦ nostalgia, slice of life, pixel art

フォロー数:604 フォロワー数:5417

thanks Twitter for the shitty cropping

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Thanks 💗 Let's continue with some more fellow artists that might want to share their art too

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oh this was fun! I like that both simple and complicated compositions look harmonious

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Full illustration set I made for 5 年 後 の 働 き 方 コ ン ソ ー シ ア ム (consortium of workstyle in 5 years). In 2025 Japan is expected to have a better work-life balance policy. Flexi-time, bleisure and co-working are some of the concepts that I illustrated here.

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Here are more illustrations from the 5 年 後 の 働 き 方 コ ン ソ ー シ ア ム commissions. “Bleisure” (business+leisure) is a business trip that includes free time at the destination.

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Hina Matsuri 🎎 (雛祭り Doll's Day or Girls' Day)i is celebrated on March 3. Families with young daughters set up a display of dolls inside the house. They offer rice crackers and other food to the dolls and pray for happiness and health.

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