

Fine Art Dealer: Notable Collectors of my clients:Geoffrey Beene,Robin Williams, Steph Curry, Damian Lillard & many more. Over 10K on #LinkedIn #ENS NFA:DYOR

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I’m getting more engagement with my with my giveaways that started copying me and they aren’t even getting as many likes and retweet’s as me. My followers are organic, founders typically buy their followers and likes👀

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OK so through a randomized number generator, of everyone who has liked, followed & retweeted, for the & I hope saw some amazing art as well from my client Sergei Blumin, we finally have a winner!Almost 1,000 people participated in the past couple weeks

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OK about to announce the winner of the just running a little late. I said 2:00 M.S.T. - it’s 2:18 right now. I’ll announce the winner at 2:30! Last chance to participate! like, follow and retweet, & my pinned photo 🙏

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Winner will be announced in 2 1/2 hours, 2:00 M.S.T. for this with the “CT” logo hat. Last chance to like, follow and retweet to win. ( like & retweet pinned photo to bring awareness to 1:1 artists and retweet& like this tweet🙏

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So far 10 + people have liked and retweeted my clients Art & my pinned photo to bring awareness to one of the greatest painters alive Sergei Blumin and they’ve doubled their chances 👀to win a second rare We got to 500

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Liking and retweeting the art for my client Sergei Blumin who has been creating art for 50 + years. Also liking, following & retweeting my pinned photo to bring awareness to 1:1 artists gets you a second entry into the second winner which will be announced next week🙏

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If this tweet of my client Sergei Blumin & his art gets 500 likes & retweets & my pinned photo, I will give away 2 more this is a separate raffle from the winner who’s being announced tomorrow. Starting today, more details to come 🙏

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If my pinned photo gets 1,000 likes I’ll give away a second Anyone who likes, follow and retweets still has a chance to win 🙏. Please also look into artist “Sergei Blumin” whom many regard as modern day Picasso 🙏

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