


フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:439

Yea mate, I grabbed a couple of each. Purple Wave Incoming. 💜🤙

1 8

GM Fam ☕️🤙 settling in with my first coffee & just made my first buy today. I was going to mint another but I saw this unique-looking primate sitting in secondary & had to grab it. 🔥✅

3 30

My Zombie🧟‍♂️ PolygonPunk 💜👍

11 30

Bought my first NFT off Known Origin today from long-time web3 friend 🥰🇦🇷 Title: The Masterpiece. (Edition 1/7) 🔥


12 17

Anyone else can't wait to "Get on the Beers" this weekend. 🍻👍 Love this delightful piece by / Only 0.005eth (polygon) on opensea.

4 11

I like to swap between my Zombie PolygonPunk 💜 from a and my KoleKala pfp from 🔥👌

2 5