Dice Tsutsumi - Tonko Houseさんのプロフィール画像

Dice Tsutsumi - Tonko Houseさんのイラストまとめ

Director of ONI:Thunder God's Tale, Co-founder of Tonko House. Official studio account⇨@tonkohouseUS 『ONI~神々山のおなり』の監督・堤大介の個人アカウント。トンコハウスの日本語公式は@tonkohouseJapan

フォロー数:951 フォロワー数:40283

haha, it's like a rollercoaster ride everyday! Overall, I'm feeling more like this..

5 11

Another new character sketch we just released from our new film

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An old random sketch from a jazz club---何年も前にジャズクラブで描いたスケッチ。だいたい気持ちよく酔っ払ってるので、線が踊ってる。

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An old piece... My old obsession for Bebop from New York days.

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My plates are not only full but it's growing larger and larger these days....色んな事がどうやっても終わらない、、、寝たらなんとかなるかしらん、、

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Nonstop but productive weekend!

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Now pre-order Art of The Dam Keeper! Advance copy is $10 more but comes w a signed print!


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We are thinking about doing Tonko House holiday sale which includes one of a kind original work. Stay tuned!

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