

artspeak / a litany of literary & filmic fragments / illustrates

フォロー数:1299 フォロワー数:2131

'State of Disappearance' - Obscure Beasts V & VI - Chantal Meza ... the traces of invisibility...

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My editorial illustration for an article about China Miéville's 'The City And The City'...

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The Illumination (1973) – from Polish director Krzysztof Zanussi and so "mandatory" as to deserve an alternative film poster... [revised]

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So I rewatched Mirror. It took an age because I kept stopping to break down scenes (light, perspective, symbolism etc)... embedded within my sleep-deprived eyeballs it became a series of paintings, with minute variations... and birthed an alternative film poster

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Taaffe has referred to himself as 'scribe', operating 'in the margins' — his 'research' references a huge array of cultural touch-points, from which he develops a personal language...

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Bucharest-born Hedda Sterne (1910 - 2011) - resisted categorisation and was consequently pretty much ignored by art history... close friends with Victor Brauner and Jules Perahim. Her early work was surrealist-influenced...

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Not visually, but thematically, Fikl puts me in mind of JG Ballard, specifically High-Rise... the push through excess into a surreal and bruised space... that compelling absurdity...

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'Down she tumbled, the bald old crone … Had I not killed her? I once again advanced to meet my image in the mirror….I held out my hands to embrace myself, my anti-self, my-self-not-self, my assassin, my death. The world’s death'

Angela Carter Vs Dorothea Tanning

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