

Art account | EN&中文ok | A3! | HSR | Genshin | FGO-Holmes | private account @lugh_g please tell me who you are if you want to follow!

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:12960

CPS is a pain o<-<

0 9

Added hair where there should be >>

0 5

CPS test, with 3958290358 photoshop filters >>

3 12

CPS test, Shu isn't happy that I used him as Guinea pig.

2 8

haven't drawn for a week, here's an awkward warmup sketch on a tiny mac.

6 25

generally unmotivated to animu

0 8

Drawing girls once in a while

3 18

Kirin will have to come later, I think I have that one on my PC..

6 25

progresssssss how to paint armor omg

2 24