Will Erricksonさんのプロフィール画像

Will Erricksonさんのイラストまとめ

Too Much Horror Fiction reviews vintage horror lit & celebrates its resplendent paperback covers. Coauthor, Stoker Award-winning PAPERBACKS FROM HELL

フォロー数:1009 フォロワー数:4756

Found another! So satisfying

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This week’s random quarantine watches:

a god amongst men
better than ever
Screwballs cringy but girls are cute
Wow Lords of Flatbush sucked

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London-born (1943-2013) whose first 2 novels THE RATS (‘74) & THE FOG (‘75, unrelated to Carpenter film) became unexpected bestsellers, ushered in era of graphic horror—mixed w liberal dose of British class consciousness MUSTREADS 🤘📖🔥☠️

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Dig this little full-moon funeral for a creepy kid goin on here 🤘📖🔥☠️ 🌕 ⚰️

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New review up at Too Much Horror Fiction: Ramsey Campbell’s masterful 1989 novel about a lost Karloff & Lugosi film, ANCIENT IMAGES:


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TFW when Edwige Fenech realizes she’s in an Edwige Fenech movie

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Original Bantam paperback from mid-‘60s!

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features some scenes I consider the finest in all horror. second novel shows him already in possession of the skills that would make him synonymous with the genre. My review of this autumnal classic:

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Gary Brandner (1933-2013), prolific author most famous for his HOWLING series and novelization of Schrader’s remake of Lewton/Tourneur CAT PEOPLE

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