Marcus Pennaさんのプロフィール画像

Marcus Pennaさんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator, 3D artist, pixel artist, and lately: Artist for VR games and experiences at @arvoreimmersive

フォロー数:977 フォロワー数:1373

A quick Angela Sarafyan sketch as Clementine from Westworld

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Decided to paint a quick Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday from his Tombstone days :)

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Watercolor sketching while the world burns.

Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp in Tombstone (1993)

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Eu ATÉ já fiz fan art de pixel art pra ele misturando uma HQ que ele desenha E Metal Slug :)

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Looking fabulous on the beach / Fabulosa na praia :)

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Difícil concorrer com Lázaro e o Bozo hoje, mas a gente não pode parar de pintar :P

Hipster under the sun / Hipster debaixo do sol

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Managed to get TWO photos of the last guy. Really fun to paint :D / Consguir tirar DUAS fotos do último sujeito. Muito divertido pra pintar :D

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