

Illustrator, opinions do not reflect my employers. 32 years

フォロー数:157 フォロワー数:142

first drawing of veronica vs the latest one

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i accidentally turned veronica into the "yes" chad meme.

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i have 4 favorite ships (2 ARE SPOILERS) my fav het ship is between GHOST FANG and URSA, two people who were forcibly turned into monsters and fell in love while their factions had a truce. fav gay men ship is BEHEMOTH and GOLEM who met at the same private security firm.

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you got the mouth shape right. a true bengus artwork can be hard to discern due to his versatility, but here's a fun tip. "is the character emoting like a screaming guinea pig?" "then its a bengus art-piece."

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This is Andrew Norman JR. he is the mediator of the CSTF, has an extensive relations with CNGS world leaders, is under the authority of the US president, and has a direct contact line with her.

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i tweak perlin noise and static to get camo pattern i dont have to spend hours drawing!

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i kind of do the same thing in my drawing process. i'll do the main body but leave other parts for last.

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if you're not scared, you're not awake

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