

29 yr old mediocre artist | ocs + fanart + maybe fic bits? Sure.

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:26

Kieri the tiefling is in a cute, budding romance with a cute half drow half orc woman named Lillie. They're very sweet together.
A commission for a friend!

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When you a knight for good causes but you dum so all you do is rush headlong into battle without thinking of alternate options.
Boraska is so good, I love my good nb child.

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Boraska, the Cavalier Fighter

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Done late last year, Braghma was a wizard specializing in poisons and rolled with some gross out ettercaps while she tried to destroy a city built in the boughs of a massive tree.

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Commission for my friend of her dnd character Damaia. She's an Arcane Trickster Rogue/Raven Queen Warlock, so she's deffo a wild card.

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Boy deserved a glow up, colored him bc i love him.

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A cute boy waving! or is it more sinister?
I cropped this like four times bc i was so done w the hands :C

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Last draw of the year is more myrh. I hope next year is filled with more beautiful drow thottery.

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now that the character is killed in my Alverra campaign, here's Rainier. Rainier was a halfling wizard who was using a rather strong polymorph potion to transform people into animals to sell off as familiars to unwitting sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards.

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What has this beautiful boy so upset?
Blame his party members

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