

trying to make art instead of content.

looking for video editing work :)

フォロー数:53 フォロワー数:760

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 16, Kricketune

how would you describe this body type? honest question.

2 14

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 14, Bibarel

fun story; my dad walked in while i was working on this, suggested i add bushy eyebrows, and afterwards he said "oh hey it looks exactly like your grandfather"

certified bibarel moment

2 16

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 12, Staraptor

I really liked this one, but to this day im still so confused as to why Staraptor has that weird hairstyle. (this is coming from the person who has a shrub for hair)

1 14

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 11, Staravia

the only thing going through its head right now are peanuts and dead rats. NOTHING is behind its eyes.

1 11

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 10, Starly

I made Starly way better than I could've made it. Imagine just a realistic looking pigeon with Starly's colors. Yeah this is much better than that.

dont look at the butt. theres nothing there thats just a smudge on your screen.

1 14

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 9, Empoleon

I wanted Empoleon to have a very funny mouth. So i made it a line thats always open. Thought it tied together the whole doofy look to it all :)

1 16

go crazy go stupid this pose is way too tame it needs to be wild make it nutty make it

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Sinnoh in my style-- Day 6, Infernape

this is the default pose of infernape. OOZING with swagger. Hands? what are those?

shut up.

1 10

Sinnoh in my style-- Day 5, Monferno

Nice going you're now a big guy :)

you have no idea how hard it was to get this guy looking any sort of decent. way too many colors for my taste as well.

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