

trying to make art instead of content.

looking for video editing work :)

フォロー数:53 フォロワー数:760

me and the homies love klink everyone who says they hate klink is klearly lying

1 4

oi quick question. for the shining pearl nuzlocke, should i go with ol' reliable for the character design, or should i cosplay.


0 4

HEY! did you know i have a PATREON?

yeah the only reliable way i can finance my big projects is by this and some sparce freelance work. so if you wanna help me out, PLEASE check it out. even just for $1 a video you'd be helping loads.

link below, RTs appreciated

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holy shit the growth on the channel is HUGE. i just want to say thank you to all who've subbed to me and watched the crashers vid, the animation, and everything else related to the TFP2. To make it up to you guys, here's a (low res) screencap of the labo video...

wait who's that

1 11

*demon spawn noises grow louder*

(my favorite pokemon i got to draw for one of 's recent videos)

if you like this i can post the rest of them as well. i just got the other 19 rotting away in a google drive folder

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you a real one if you remember this

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