

35, She/her, The Once and Future Lesbian, TMA, I Write, Happily Married to the Love of My Life (@dykemelodrama),

フォロー数:450 フォロワー数:236

Like seriously, that’s some range

1 6

Really refreshing to play a game that can just draw women without being weird about it

1 10

2017: Nier Automata

My introduction to Yoko Taro! Thematically rich and moody. Taro has such an intriguing relationship to violence in his games and I would love to revisit this after playing more of his other work

0 2

New Octopath girl looks like someone merged Edelgard and Artoria and I have never felt so seen. Her name is Aedelgard lolol

0 1

The closest I get to being a furry is admitting that Bunnie Rabbot was a formative gender paragon for me as a wee lass

0 3

1 month HRT -> 3 years HRT

12 40