

Hello there. I'm an artist fascinated by Monsters, Myths, and Legends. Writer/Artist of the Willis Henry graphic novel series.

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:13

The spell was broken, the magic was gone. But the Girl refused to let the feeling fade; dove into the Sea after the Moon.

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The Moon fell to meet the Sea horizon with a mighty crash!

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The Moon was descending rapidly now, so close, so very close… the girl could almost touch it. Then it happened again, that strange magic took hold of the girl. With the Cosmos reflecting in her eyes, became awash in the Knowing. She reaches out to catch the Moon.

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The girl and the Dragon of Water laughed as they talked about their journeys so far. The Dragon of Water had found his place in the Sea, wanted to help the girl find hers; gifted the driftwood made boat of twilight.

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The girl was very glad to see the familiar face of the Dragon of Water.

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With the King gone, the girl could only fall, as gravity violently gripped her and dragged her down. While Managarmr witnessed events unfold with joy and continued his pursuit.

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After a long moment the girl peeks out of closed eyes and gasped; as she and the King sailed through the sky. When they eclipsed the Moon the girl feels a deep knowing stir, however the King begins to phase out, becoming as ephemeral as moonlight.

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From the back of the King, the girl could hear the shadow wolf gaining on them. Then turned to see a dangerous cliff edge rapidly approach but the King only increased his speed. The girl closes her eyes in terror as the King takes the leap of faith…

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Managarmr gave chase, the wolf of dread was not to e outdone in speed; bounds from shadow to shadow through the forest hot on the Kings trail!

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The King stood, head high, horns of gold crowning his proud head in magnificence. The girl felt a knowing she could not explain reached out to the King, in the next moment they were bounding through the forest.

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