

🇫🇮Artist, card game adict (not yugioh), wanna be game desinger
artist whit diverse themes but you will find NSFW stuff quit plenty in here
You been warned

フォロー数:772 フォロワー数:5037

New personal record
This is the eight picture of the day
Six Goblings, one Jerry drinking raw lemon and this where he rolls in a ball like... Like.... Kiryu ball!!!!

3 20

Old desings I redesinged to goblins because it would be waste to not use them

3 17

Ok, brepare for put load of gobos today
Cant post them all in one post (sad) so you see few post

3 14

Raw lemon juice mmmmmmggghhh.....
Sour as frick

0 10

Now isnt this just some loot
NOW what would you do if a chest you opened contained this?

4 13

I got stomack a he last night and had to rest whole day and I feared I could not draw today but....

1 9

Jerry can if he belives that he can.
His skill "Im a beliver" makes his belives come tru if he belives it, be it survivng lightning or other stuff
It can also work against him too
If he belives that he cant do something he cant and so on

0 4

Well I tried bring my old KH avatar back
Trying to ad a litle dash of "old forgoten toy" theme whit ripped coat and tierd face.
Well I drew this 2014.... Wow seven years old

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Well I dig out this from the dark corner of my memorylane and reforged it a pit
Havent felt the kingdomhearts mood for ages, what did made me put these away

1 10

Well.... I bet you didnt expect this

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