

⭐️Avatar by @RapoP2340 🍍

フォロー数:88 フォロワー数:50

What a beautiful picture of Leon in the background.

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I can't draw enstar boys for shit. Burn your eyes on mickey mika

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Just saw the preview with Ezekiel and Shiva. I like the actor they picked for Ezekiel.

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You know who would be a cool character to make a comeback in KOF14? Richard Meyer.

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A doodle of Locca that I never finished, So I just kinda rushed it to remove it from my unfinished folder. Ugly :)

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also the alternate just because ★♥▼

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I wish i could have doodled this better

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was waiting for someone to get ready to go somewhere, so I doodled for a few mins

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Mariana doodle, cause I didn't feel like not doodling today.

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Maybe i'll redraw/finish some other time. But kitty Locca isn't gonna happen tonight

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