

(He/They) Noob nb gacha addict boi who makes content sometimes and likes pretty men and nerdy things … art by @kyruceleste | 30's…

フォロー数:1062 フォロワー数:232

Such a pretty style. I would love to see a couple sketch of mine and my friends wols.

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Ah you style is so clean and nice <3 My character Lark and my ingame rp partners character Kyru truely are the opposites attract couple.

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Lark sexuality is bi. As is also mine i also snuck a little nod there too.

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Hi I'm Lark. I'm Bi with a prefeeence to Men and this spring I started my journey of discovery of being Ftm trans. Honestly i'm not certain cause i worry alot of my body issues come from my disability so yhey/him is prefered any advice on working out these thoughts are welcome <3

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Happy 1 year Rp anniversary (though I'm a couple hours late) not quite finished but I need to sleep @

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I made Lark as viera... I don't know how I feel about it still...depends on height stuff and hairs I guess....

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trying a new shading style im kinder liking it also sparkly fairy boy here to flirt with his 60% chance success rate

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my darling has been having some sads and also is a raider so here is Lark as a cheerleader cheering them on....Yes I referenced an 11 year old anime in this outfit...

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doing my characters Scar ref slowly. Front shot @ my wrist hurts

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